Terms and Conditions
Vehicle declarations
- you are between the ages 23 to 80;
- you have held a full UK, Jersey, or Guernsey, Common Wealth or European driving licence for at least 12 month or Rest of World for at least 2 years;
- you accept that a £1,000 excess will apply for any damage incurred;
- if you are under the age of 24 or over 70 you accept that an additional £200 excess will apply for any damage incurred;
- you have not been convicted of more than 1 minor conviction within the last 3 years anywhere in the world;
- you have not been convicted within the last 4 years of any major motoring offence anywhere in the world;
- you do not have any prosecutions or police enquiries pending under any jurisdiction:
- you have not had any accident, incident, fire or theft losses in the last 3 years with costs exceeding £2,500;
- you have not had any criminal convictions, unless they are no longer disclosable, under the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Jersey) Law 2001;
- you are not a professional sportsman, entertainer, actor, model or musician; or an undergraduate student or member of the UK armed forces under the age of 25 years of age; or a member of the armed forces of another country;
- all of the information (including payment details) you have provided or will provide to us in conjunction with your use of the Services is true and accurate;
- you are able to pay the Service Fees; and
- you accept and agree to comply with the terms of this agreement.
Full Terms and Conditions
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